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 2022 年上海市广播电视大学自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)

 第 第 1 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges(正电荷)

 build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged(负电荷的). In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground’s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground’s surface__________.

  A、is positively charged

  B、is shifted sideways by strong winds

  C、is negative charged

  D、is changed from positively charge to negative charge


 【答案解析】本段文字解释了云层与地面之间的闪电的成因,云层下部带负电荷,排斥地面表层的负电荷,所以地面表层聚集的是正电荷。答案为 A。

  第 第 2 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】The wounded soldiers would recover quickly if they were well _______.







 2 们就会很快痊愈。A 营养,滋养;B 填满,塞满; C 驯服(猛兽);D 冒险

  第 第 3 题【单选题】

 【2008.04】The vehicle was traveling at speeds _____ 90 miles per hour.

  A、in addition to

  B、in view of

  C、in excess of

  D、in search of


 【答案解析】本题考查短语辨析。那辆车以超过每小时 90 英里的速度行驶。A .除…之外、 例外;

 B. 由…看来、 有鉴于; C. 过分、超出;

 D. 寻找、追求。

  第 第 4 题【单选题】

 【概括大意】If you are tired of making vague excuses for another dull summer at home, here is a thought to lift your spirits. You do not need anything so radical as winning a lottery(彩票)

 to finance a trip to Europe. A student identity card that can be obtained for a few dollars from the Council on International Educational Exchange entitles(给予、授权)

 you to discount tickets (打折机票)on certain charter flights to London and Paris, as well as reduced admission to many museums, cinemas, and musical events. Once in Europe, you can stay at approved youth hostels for about two dollars a night. So don’t give up your hopes of becoming an international traveler.The main idea of this paragraph is__________.

  A、It is easy for a student to travel in Europe during the summer.

  B、The student needs to obtain an identity card to travel at a cheap rate.

  C、The student could stay at approved youth hostels for about two dollars a night.

  D、The students will become international travelers in summer.



 3 很容易的。因此选择 A。

  第 第 5 题【单选题】

 【2009.01】Children have a natural_______about the world around them.






 【答案解析】句意:孩子们对他们周围的事物有着天然的好奇心。考查名词词义选择。A 确定性,肯定的事;B 能力,才能;C 精明,聪颖;D 好奇心,求知欲。

  第 第 6 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】There is a difference between science and technology. ________. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for applying the findings of science.

  A、Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.

  B、We are all familiar with the improper use of technology.

  C、Unlike science, progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.

  D、Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems.


 【答案解析】第一句总述了科学和技术是有差别的。缺空后是对两者的分述,因此缺空处也应是对两者的分述,故选 D。


 第 第 7 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the world’s largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries. But it is native to Ethiopia, a country in Africa. It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400’s.Which country is the largest coffee producer?






 【答案解析】答题依据在本段的第三句。Producer 与 grower 意思等同。

  第 第 8 题【单选题】

 【概括大意】They always complained(抱怨)

 more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways. They also blamed that their parents always have a final say. And the young felt that their parents do not trust their children to deal with crises. Besides, they dissatisfied too much murmurs of their parents about certain problems and the lack of sense of humor in dealing with the problems, at least in parents-children relationships.The main idea of this paragraph is__________.

  A、The criticisms to their parents can be kept out of the young people’s mind in following ways.

  B、It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them.

  C、There are so many criticism to their parents among the young people.

  D、Young people have gotten enough reasons to criticize their parents.


 5 【答案解析】本题段落中的各句列举了年轻人都抱怨其父母些什么,谈的是 what are the criticisms?的问题因此选择 C。

  第 第 9 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】An employee has perfect reliability if he always does his work _______.






 【答案解析】本题考查副词意义区分。【译文】如果一个员工做工作总是认真负责,他就是完全可信赖的。【详细解答】A 亲自地; B 几乎不; C 个别地; D 可靠地

  第 第 10 题【单选题】

 【阅读判断】Every year, in November, Thanksgiving Day reminds us of the good things in life, and people are thankful. On this day people usually eat turkey and great quantities of other foods.Q: The turkey is a most popular food on Thanksgiving Day.



  C、Not Given


 【答案解析】答案选 A。感恩节这天火鸡通常是必不可少的。因此本题是正确的。

  第 第 11 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】The house was quiet in the night, _______ the occasional coughing from my throat.


 A、as for

  B、such as

  C、instead of

  D、except for


 【答案解析】本题考查短语意义区分。译文:除了偶尔我咳嗽一下以外,这所房子在夜晚非常安静。A 至于,关于; B 例如;C 代替,而不是;D 除了……以外

  第 第 12 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges(正电荷)

 build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged(负电荷的). In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground’s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground’s surface__________.

  A、is positively charged

  B、is shifted sideways by strong winds

  C、is negative charged

  D、is changed from positively charge to negative charge


 【答案解析】本段文字解释了云层与地面之间的闪电的成因,云层下部带负电荷,排斥地面表层的负电荷,所以地面表层聚集的是正电荷。答案为 A。

  第 第 13 题【单选题】

 【2009.10】The profit-sharing plan is designed to ______ the staff to work hard.







 【答案解析】本题考查词语辨析。【译文】利润共享计划目的是激发员工努力工作。A 计算、估算

 B 证实、论证、演示

  C 思索、推测

  D 激励、激发

  第 第 14 题【单选题】

 【2007.04】The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from ________ in the living room.






 【答案解析】本题考查复合句。that 在本句中指代 the furniture,目的是为了避免重复。which 用于引导句子或短语,在此也不能指代 the furniture。

  第 第 15 题【单选题】


 Although the researchers have only just made the technical details of the microscope public, it is already on sale. It is currently the size of a refrigerator and takes several minutes to scan a circuit, but Xiao and Schrag are working ________.

  A、to take tiny chips we require

  B、to making chips any smaller

  C、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computer and cut the scanning time to 30 seconds

  D、of conducting electricity



 8 冰箱大小的体积和所需数分钟的时间形成了对比。即:目前它大约像冰箱那么大,而且要用几分钟扫描一个电路,但是他们正在努力使它缩小到台式计算机那么大,把扫描时间缩短到 30 秒。

  第 第 16 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】By the end of next year the bridge ______ .

  A、is to complete

  B、has been completed

  C、will be completed

  D、will have been completed



 到明年年底之前,这座桥修建将完成。【试题分析】本题考查语法。【详细解答】动词时态。by the end of 到……时为止;在……之前。将来完成时态,用于表达在将来某时间以前已经完成的动作。

  第 第 17 题【单选 题】

 【阅读选择】Roxaboxen is based on the true story of a group of children, growing up in the Arizona desert. There children can be a bit wild and much free, and they play outside from dawn to dusk. The children discover the make-believe(虚假的)town, built on the hill across from their neighborhood. The town, called Roxaboxen, becomes the center of their play as the children grow, but the story is not just about the time spent in Roxaboxen as young children. More than that, this book is about the way that imagination and secret places stay with us as we grow older and become a part of who we are. It is about the way that it helps us to grow into the adults that we become. What does the book’s name Roxaboxen refer to?

  A、A child.

  B、A library.

  C、A period of time.

  D、A place.

 9 【正确答案】D

 【答案解析】答案选 D。查找细节题。短文本段...

推荐访问:2022年上海市广播电视大学自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析) 上海市 练习题 英语

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