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 2022 年中国人民银行研究生部自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)

 第 第 1 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】Rough estimates in the past have predicted similarly disappointing results. ________ Says Sallie Chishol, an environmental engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But the take-home message is the same. Ocean fertilization is not the answer to global warming."

  A、"These are newer and better models,"

  B、Its opponents argue, however, that it will stop global warming.

  C、Adding iron to patches of ocean can make plankton bloom temporarily.

  D、As plankton die and settle on the ocean floor, their carbon is supposedly locked up in the seabed.


 【答案解析】这个问题可以根据引号来作答,因为空格后面有“says”这个词,它预示着所填入的句子应该是带引号的。A 的意思是:这些是比较新的也是比较好的模型。

  第 第 2 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. ________. That is at least as important as how much we know.

  A、Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

  B、He keeps looking over the other person"s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

  C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided

 2 attention for four minutes.

  D、In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.


 【答案解析】后句中的代词 we 在 D 中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观点句是通常论述文的发展特点,因此判断 D 正确。

  第 第 3 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】He would _______ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office.






 【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保(某事)发生,担保;C 为……投保,给……保险;D 安全的,没有危险的

  第 第 4 题【单选题】

 They wrote a letter of thanks to ________ had helped them.






 【答案解析】whoever had helped them 是介词 to 的宾语从句,whoever 是这个从句的主语。whoever had helped them:任何帮助过他们的人。

 3 第 第 5 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】One day a friend asked my wife Jill if I wanted a hearing aid. "He certainly does," replied Jill. After hearing about a remarkable new product, Jill finally got up the nerve to ask me if I’d ever thought about getting a hearing aid. "No way," I said. "It would make me look 20 years older." "No, no," she replied. "This is entirely different. It’s Crystal Ear!"Initially the writer did not want to buy a hearing aid because_______.

  A、it would make him look old.

  B、it would make him nervous.

  C、it was too expensive.

  D、it was old-styled.


 【答案解析】当被妻子问及是否愿意得到一个助听器时,作者因为担心显得老气而拒绝。所以答案是 A。

  第 第 6 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law. The more developed a legal system becomes, the more society takes responsibility for the discovery, control, and punishment of violent acts. In most tribal societies the only means to deal with an act of violence is revenge. Each family group may have the responsibility for personally carrying out judgment and punishment upon the person who committed the offense. But in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffused. The society assumes the responsibility for protecting individuals from violence. In cases where they cannot be protected, the society is responsible for imposing punishment. The function of legal systems, according to the passage, is ______.

  A、to control violence within a society

  B、to protect the world from chaos

  C、to free society from the idea of revenge


 D、to give the government absolute power


 【答案解析】本段的第一句话 The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law 是本题的答案。

  第 第 7 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. ________. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you’re unhappy!

  A、Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.

  B、If you ale feeling down, you normally don’t sit straight, with your shoulders inwards.

  C、However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know you’re not pleased.

  D、If you are pleased, you usually open your eyes wide and people can notice this.


 【答案解析】本题可以采用线索词来定位。空格处的前后两个句子都是对 arms在具体情况下具体动作的描述。那么用以补充的句子也应是如此,即选项 A 开朗的人和沉默寡言的人手臂的动作,符合条件。

  第 第 8 题【单选题】

 【2007.04】If the operation ________ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.

  A、was not

  B、has not been

  C、had not been

  D、were not

 5 【正确答案】C

 【答案解析】本题考查虚拟语气。主句是对过去的虚拟,所以根据句意,条件状语从句也应该是对过去的虚拟,所以用 had done 的形式。句意:如果手术没有经过认真仔细的准备,它就不会成功。

  第 第 9 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】An employee has perfect reliability if he always does his work _______.






 【答案解析】本题考查副词意义区分。【译文】如果一个员工做工作总是认真负责,他就是完全可信赖的。【详细解答】A 亲自地; B 几乎不; C 个别地; D 可靠地

  第 第 10 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】He would _______ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office.






 【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保(某事)发生,担保;C 为……投保,给……保险;D 安全的,没有危险的

  第 第 11 题【单选题】

 6 【阅读选择】On the other hand, on the moon there will be an attraction between the butter and the moon; but the butter will weigh only about one-sixth as much as it does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth. The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount of material in it. A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.We do not feel the gravitational pull of a packet of butter because

  A、it is too small to have a gravitational pull of its own.

  B、its pull is so small that we tend to ignore it.

  C、its pull disappears in the presence of the earth’s gravitation.

  D、it tends to melt and loses its gravitational pull.


 【答案解析】本题定位词是 not feel…packet of butter,找到原文中 A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.所以答案是 B。C 项错在disappear。

  第 第 12 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】All children in the United States have to receive an education, but the law does not say they have to be educated at school. A number of parents prefer not to send their children to school. ________. There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States today.

  A、Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children.

  B、In some countries, however, children are educated by their parents.

  C、Learning starts with the children"s interests and questions.

  D、Children who are educated at home are known as "home-schoolers."


 【答案解析】后文出现了 home-schoolers,根据选项,这里应该是对这个词的定义,因此选 D。


 第 第 13 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】The student ______ described the beautiful mountains and rivers in his home town.







  第 第 14 题【单选题】

 【2009.01】Children have a natural_______about the world around them.






 【答案解析】句意:孩子们对他们周围的事物有着天然的好奇心。考查名词词义选择。A 确定性,肯定的事;B 能力,才能;C 精明,聪颖;D 好奇心,求知欲。

  第 第 15 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.Book written by J. Verne are__________.


 A、science fictions with a recurrent theme

  B、concerned with the problems that we have to solve in the future

  C、read worldwide

  D、political implications


 【答案解析】这段文字讲到 J. Verne 是一位有名的作家,所写的书已经译成了许多种语言,因此 C 选项是正确答案。

  第 第 16 题【单选题】

 【2008.04】The cloth had a natural look which perfectly _____ the image Laura sought.

  A、turned out

  B、set down

  C、thought over

  D、coincided with


 【答案解析】本题考查短语意义辨析。这块布料看起来很自然,与劳拉寻找的样式完全相符。A. 关闭; B.制定、放下; D. 与…相同、与…相符。

  第 第 17 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Certainly there are millions who need to lose weight. But there are also millions who only imagine they need to. Compulsive and continuous dieting, not to mention eating disorders, shows that some of us will do anything to reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape. But is being underweight really desirable?A great many people go on a diet to__________.

  A、keep fit

  B、have a body shape that all people will admire

  C、prolong life span

  D、get ride of digestive system diseases

 9 【正确答案】B

 【答案解析】本段文字指出,很多人为了达到当前流行的体型(reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape)而不惜通过节食等方法减肥。因此选择 B。

  第 第 18 题【单选题】


推荐访问:2022年中国人民银行研究生部自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析) 练习题 英语 年中

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