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  高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 外刊精选 | 不久后 , 你很可能会有一本“ 疫苗护照” 【背景介绍】随着全球新冠疫苗接种范围的持续扩大,一些国家正在考虑推出“疫苗护照”。“疫苗护照”不是真正的护照,而是一种记录新冠疫苗接种信息的凭证,用来证明跨境人员的接种情况。尽管诸多细节还在讨论之中,但是这一话题已经在世界范围内引起了争议。有观点认为,“疫苗护照”是一种重要的工具,能够让公民在疫情之下尽快恢复正常生活,还能促进经济复苏、重振旅游业。但也有观点认为,“疫苗护照”会加剧社会不公,引起道德难题……怎么看待这个“通行证”呢?

 Vaccine Passports, Covid"s Next Political Flash Point By Max Fisher The next major flash point over coronavirus response has already provoked cries of tyranny and discrimination in Britain, protests in Denmark, digital disinformation in the United States and geopolitical skirmishing within the European Union. The subject of debate: vaccine passports — government-issued cards or smartphone badges stating that the bearer has been inoculated against the coronavirus. The idea is to allow families to reunite, economies to restart and hundreds of millions of people who have received a shot to return to a degree of normalcy. Dividing the world between the vaccinated and unvaccinated raises daunting political and ethical questions.

 "If vaccines become a passport to doing different things, we"re going to see the communities that have been already hardest hit by Covid being left behind," said Nicole A. Errett, a University of Washington public health expert.

 Then there is inequality among nations, mostly relevant for international travel. The approved coronavirus vaccines have been, with some exceptions, generally distributed among nations rich enough to buy or produce them.

 One problem: There is no agreement on the primary purpose of a vaccine passport program. Governments typically talk about them as a way to open up economies. Individuals, as a way to re-enter normal life. Public health experts, as a way to reduce transmissions. Those goals align, but imperfectly. At some point, the authorities have to prioritize.



 1.vaccine [ˈvæksiːn] n. ________________________________________ 2.flash point/flashpoint [ˈflæʃpɔɪnt] n. __________________________________ 3.provoke [prəˈvəʊk] vt. __________________________________ 4.cry [kraɪ] n. __________________________________ 5.tyranny [ˈtɪrəni] n. __________________________________ 6.geopolitical [ˌdʒiːəʊpəˈlɪtɪkəl] adj. __________________________________ 7.bearer [ˈbeərə] n. __________________________________ 8.shot [ʃɒt] n. __________________________________ 9.normalcy [ˈnɔːməlsi] n. __________________________________ 10.daunting [ˈdɔːntɪŋ] adj. __________________________________ 11.passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] n. __________________________________ 12.authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] n. __________________________________ 13.prioritize [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz] v. __________________________________ 【词块学习】



  拓展练习 阅读理解 After analyzing 14.5 billion words used in daily news coverage in 2021, The Oxford English

  Dictionary has chosen “vax” as the Word of the Year. Oxford Languages, the publisher of the dictionary, reported that “Vax”, the shortened term for “vaccine”, has injected itself into the bloodstream of the English language, and is a catchy and punchy word for 2021. A contributing factor to its rise in 2021— aside from its obvious relation to the COVID vaccine drive— is its adaptability, according to Fiona McPherson, a senior editor of The Oxford English Dictionary. It can mean either vaccine or vaccination as a noun and vaccinate as a verb, and it is the root of many other phrases such as “vax cards”, “vax passports”, and “getting vaxxied”. The word has also been changed into other inventive words like vaxxie, a selfie taken during or immediately before or after one’s vaccination. “It has made the most striking impact,” said Fiona MePherson. Vax and vaxx are both accepted spellings, but the form with one x is more common. It was first recorded in English in 1799, while its derivatives (衍生词) “vaccinate” and “vaccination” both first appeared in 1800. All of these words ultimately came from the Latin word “vacca”, which means “cow”. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, this is due to English physician and scientist Edward Jenner’s pioneering work on vaccination against smallpox in the late 1790s and early 1800s. “The word’s highest frequency in usage caught our attention first. Then we ran the analysis and a story started to emerge, revealing how ‘vax’ sat at the centre of our preoccupations this year,” Casper Grathwohl, the president of Oxford Languages, said in an interview. “No word better captures the atmosphere of the year than ‘vax’” 21.Which of the following best describes the word vax? A.Fixed. B.Complex. C.Adaptable. D.Boring. 22.What is the origin of the word vax? A.Edward Jenner’s pioneering work. B.The Latin word vacca. C.The Latin word cow. D.The Oxford English Dictionary. 23.Why is vax chosen as the Word of the Year? A.It is from The Oxford English Dictionary. B.It is accepted by Oxford Languages. C.It appears most frequently in news. D.It is reporters’ favorite word. 24.What does the text mainly talk about? A.Choosing vax as the Word of 2021. B.Making vax changeable. C.Researching the origin of vax. D.Analyzing vax in The Oxford English Dictionary.

  外刊精选答案 【词汇过关】


 1.vaccine [ˈvæksiːn] n. 疫苗 2.flash point/flashpoint [ˈflæʃpɔɪnt] n. 引发纠纷的导火索,争议点;燃点 3.provoke [prəˈvəʊk] vt. 突然引发(一般后面衔接负面事件或者负面情绪)

 4.cry [kraɪ] n. 声讨,谴责 5.tyranny [ˈtɪrəni] n. 暴政,专横的行为 6.geopolitical [ˌdʒiːəʊpəˈlɪtɪkəl] adj. 地缘政治相关的 7.bearer [ˈbeərə] n. 携带者 8.shot [ʃɒt] n. 针剂 9.normalcy [ˈnɔːməlsi] n. 正常状态,正常水平 10.daunting [ˈdɔːntɪŋ] adj. 令人有所畏惧的 11.passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] n. 身份证明,通行证;护照 12.authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] n. 权威部门,决策者 13.prioritize [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz] v. 确定优先级 【词块学习】


 1.agreement/consensus on something 针对......的共识 【全文翻译】

 疫苗护照:新冠疫情的下一个政治引爆点? 有关新冠病毒应对措施的下一个争议点,在世界许多地方引发了争议,已经在英国激起了对暴政和歧视的声讨,在丹麦也引发了抗议活动,在美国造成了网络虚假信息传播,并在欧盟内部也引起了地缘政治冲突。争执的话题,就是疫苗护照 :由政府发行的实体卡片或者智能手机上的数字化证件,用以表明持有者已经接种了新冠病毒疫苗。


 华盛顿大学公共卫生专家妮可·A·埃里特表示:“如果疫苗成为做不同事情的通行证,那么我们将看到,那些已经最受新冠伤害的群体,会再次受到负面影响。” 进而,还有国家之间的不平等,这主要涉及到国际旅行。已获批的新冠疫苗,通常都分配到有足够财力购买或生产疫苗的国家,只有少数例外。


 拓展练习阅读理解 参考答案 21.C22.B23.C24.A

推荐访问:高三英语培优外刊阅读学案:疫苗话题 英语 疫苗 话题

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