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 2022 年云南省昆明市 “ 三诊一模 ” 高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)

  一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30.0 分)

 A These are the best online fitness programs that you should sign up for this year,with so much variation that there"s bound to be a class that suits you perfectly.These virtual fitness classes can help you to feel renewed energy for your fitness goals.

 Peloton Digital

 Cost:$12.99 a month

 Trial period:30 days

 As one of the world"s best online fitness programs,Peloton Digital offers better and more enjoyable at-home work outs.You don"t need a Peloton bike to use the Peloton app.The Peloton Digital app gives you access to this world-beating online fitness training program on your phone,tablet or laptop,so you can work out wherever you are.

 Fitbit Premium

 Cost:$9.99 a month

 Trial period:90 days

 Fitbit Premium is ideal for beginners and people returning to exercise after a long break.It offers audio workouts for runners and walkers,and these focus on things like pace and relaxation.Fitbit"s online fitness program displays an average amount of calories you can expect to burn per workout in the home.

 Daily Burn

 Cost:$19.95 a month

 Trial period:30 days

 Daily Burn could be the best online fitness training program for those who want to lose weight through a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet.It helps people to not only lose weight,but to then maintain their new healthy weight.You will get a personalized plan recommending specific work outs to help you achieve your goals.

 Obe Fitness

 Cost:$27 a month

 第 2 页,共 22 页 Trial period:7 days

 O be Fitness is the best choice for you as it features live work outs each day to keep you entertained and challenged.This is the closest real-life workout class at home.There are more than 100 live classes on offer each week.Perfect if you feel energized when you know classes are happening in real-time,and you"re following along-instructors even shout out to you to keep you focused. 1. Which program is suitable for cyclists? ______

 A. Peloton Digital. B. Fitbit Premium. C. Daily Burn. D. Obe Fitness. 2. What is the advantage of Fit bit Premium? ______

 A. Its entertaining at-home workouts. B. Its low price and long trial period. C. Its combination of exercise and diet. D. Its real-life workout classes at home. 3. What do the four programs have in common? ______

 A. They satisfy be ginners" needs. B. They offer personalized plans. C. They provide virtual classes. D. They suit people losing weight. B If you"re like me,patience is a virtue that doesn"t come without effort.It takes a lot of practice,and I"m devoting a year to the pursuit.Patience is my word for 2022.Maybe you"re still trying to settle on yours,and I"d love to hear about it.

 I picked patience one Saturday after my daughter Evie had pressed the"Can I call you later?"auto reply instead of answering her cell phone.Twice.I"d waited a couple hours in between calls,and that was after having texted her first thing that morning just to say hi.Worry built while I cleaned the fish tank,slightly admiring the simple aquatic (水生的)life.

 Evie was a college student,living off campus with three room mates.They looked out for one another,all were smart and careful,and I had no reason to think Evie was in real trouble.But maybe she"d with one of her friends or was running low on money.Maybe she was drowning in school work.I imagined a million what-ifs.Weren"t cell phones made to put a parent"s mind at ease?Evie was going to get a mouthful when she finally found a free minute to tell me that I

 didn"t need to worry.

 I filled the aquarium with fresh water,and my impatience reached the top as well.The fish swam laps in the crystal-clear tank.I wished I were more like these peaceful angels living in the moment.Evie finally called late that night.She was at a party but wanted to catch me before I went to bed."Sorry,Mom.Today was so busy and great!"I told her that was just what I had imagined.I didn"t mention that I was practicing a whole new way to wait. 4. Why did the author become worried at the beginning? ______

 A. Evie"s roommates treated her unkindly. B. Evie forgot to say hello to her as usual. C. Something went wrong with her fish. D. She couldn"t reach Evie on the phone. 5. What does the underlined phrase"had a spat"in paragraph 3 mean? ______

 A. Chatted. B. Shopped. C. Quarreled. D. Played. 6. What do we know about Evie? ______

 A. She spent that Saturday with her friends. B. She lived with her classmates in the dorm. C. She failed to ring back her mom in the end. D. She had trouble returning to school timely. 7. What"s the text mainly about? ______

 A. A college student"s busy academic life. B. The importance of patience in daily life. C. The author"s favorite word for 2022. D. A mother"s deep love for her daughter. C A recent experiment conducted at the University of British Columbia (UBC)in Canada has an "Aha!"moment for anyone who wants to form habits that increase everyday happiness and well-being.

 Researchers walked around campus handing out $5 or $20 bills,asking participants to spend the money by the end of the day.The participants weren"t told what the purpose of the research was,only that they were part of a study.Half the participants were told to spend the money on themselves,the other half were tasked with spending it to benefit someone else.At the end of the day,those who had spent the money on others reported a greater sense of happiness and

 第 4 页,共 22 页 well-being than those who had spent it on themselves.

 Aha!Kindness is connected to happiness.This likely won"t surprise many readers who live by the Golden Rule and generally attempt to anchor our happiness in ways we can contribute to the lives of others.But the UBC study is part of a broader idea that can help us deepen our commitment to these values during the busy holiday season and beyond.

 Two students at the university have started a Random Acts of Kindness Club to strengthen that kindness is a daily habit.So far,the group has created public displays of inspirational and practical messages encouraging the community to care for their emotional health.Simple acts of kindness,members say,are benefiting themselves as well as making a difference in the broader community.

 Elizabeth Dunn,the professor of psychology who led the research study,added that regularly practicing kindness to others can help us with another kindness habit,one that is often more challenging-kindness to ourselves.She said,"The form of compassion that is perhaps most beneficial for ourselves is really all about self-kindness...that same sort of gentle compassion that we would extend to a treasured friend or maybe a younger person in our life that we care about." 8. The text is especially helpful for those who care about ______

 A. making more friends in life. B. sharing joy with loved ones. C. concerning about emotional health. D. forming habits to increase daily happiness. 9. What can be inferred about the experiment? ______

 A. It focuses on college students living habits. B. Its conclusion has caused heated discussion. C. It offers participants advice on mental health. D. Its purpose remains secret to the participants. 10. How did the club advertise their idea? ______

 A. By displaying some messages. B. By observing the Golden Rule. C. By donating money to others. D. By giving inspirational lectures. 11. What"s Professor Dunn"s attitude to practicing kindness? ______

 A. Skeptical. B. Supportive. C. Conservative. D. Tolerant. D Colleen Wisinski has a tough job:Relocating tiny,adorable owls before their grassland homes are taken over by urban development in California.Developers are required by the state to safely remove western burrowing owls(穴居猫头鹰)from their land.

 Despite their name,western burrowing owls-found across dry grass lands from Canada to South America-don"t burrow,they borrow.The 10-inch-tall birds hole up in abandoned holes made by prairie dogs and ground squirrels,hunting insects and small mammals during the day and nesting with up to a dozen of their chicks at night.Because they don"t dig their own homes,their adopted holes are crucial to their survival.Recently,this habitat loss of the ground squirrels is the main reason why they have rapidly decreased in the state.Lose the host species who digs the hole,lose the owls.

 Nowadays,Wisinski and his research team have designed some new tools to keep this little creature safe.The team worked with various government agencies to select protected grasslands for the worlds.At 11 holes of the owls which were equipped with satellite control backpacks that allowed the researchers to track their move met,the researchers settled new homes in those locations with the owl wastes,both real nd fake.Near by speakers played burrowing owl calls in an effort to make the new arrivals feel at home.

 After one month,the relocated owls that received the audio and visul cues (线索)were 20 times more likely to stay to their new homes than the translocated owls without the cues,according to a new research in the journal Animal Conservation."It"s meaningful that we can get the owls settled down in a secure,protected area," Wisinski says."In the long run,that habitat will be managed well for them,and they"ll have better places to live in. 12. What is Wisinski"s new job recently? ______

 A. Researching the habit of the owls. B. Offering the owls new homes. C. Participating in urban construction. D. Clearing away the owls" nests. 13. What is the major cause for the burrowing owls to remove from their land? ______

 A. Urban development. B. Inadequate food. C. Climate change. D. Increase of host species.

 第 6 页,共 22 页 14. What can we learn about the relocated owls? ______

 A. Their new homes were monitored by satellites. B. Their living condition is still worrying. C. The researchers" method worked for them. D. They adjust to the new environ ment easily. 15. What"s the suitable title for the text? ______

 A. Western Burrowing Owls,a Rare Species. B. Welcome to Your New Home,a Little Creature. C. The Future of Urban Development in California. D. Protect the Endangered Animals Together.

 二、阅读七选五(本大题共 5 小题,共 10.0 分)

 How to Determine Direction Using the Sun Knowing th...

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