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 韦恩‥ Wayne... 少管我 I know what I"m doing. 这次采证会之目的是想了解 This proffer session is for purposes of learning 假如你有认罪协商的机会 能为政♥府♥提供什么资讯 what you, Sergeant Jenkins, can offer to the government as cooperation in the event you are offered a plea agreement. 今天说的都不会列入纪录 Nothing said today will be entered in the legal record. 而是给你机会告诉我们 It is instead an opportunity for you to let us know 与你合作的价值和程度 the value and extent of your cooperation, 说服我们接受你的认罪 should we decide to accept your plea 向法官建议双方同意的判决 and recommend an agreed-upon sentence to the judge. 你理解吗

 You understand? 了解 - I do. 那么就开始吧 - Well then, let"s proceed. 首先声明 我无罪 Well, first off, I"m innocent. 简金斯巡佐 Sergeant Jenkins, uh, 联邦法♥院♥流行一句智慧词汇 there"s an old and wise saying in the federal courts 刑事案件的被告 面临压倒性的证据时 that defendants in criminal cases, when facing a preponderance of evidence, 最好是及早多多配合 are well-advised to cooperate early and often. 最早配合能得到最好的条件 最晚配合的人下场最惨 The first ones to cooperate get the best deals, last ones to cooperate get the worst end of the stick. 你已经不算是早配合的了 You are not early here. 我不会坐在这里狡辩

 I"m not gonna sit in front of you 我没见过不对的事 我确实见过 and tell you that I haven"t been around some bad things. I have. 但我也能说 你们觉得我♥干♥的这些事情 But I can also tell you that these things that you think that I"ve done, 你们听到关于我的传言都是假的 these things that you"ve heard about me, they are false. 全都是谎言 Completely false. 警局里确实有人从事不当行为 Now, is there misconduct in this department? Of course there"s misconduct, 但我不是你们要抓的人 but I"m not the one you want. 巡佐 我们的调查非常详实 Sergeant, our investigation is lengthy and detailed, 对你提出的控诉 and the charges against you are corroborated 都有电子纪录 和多位证人可以证实 by electronic intercepts, as well as a multitude of witnesses. 多位‥所以说有多位证人说谎 A multitude? Okay, so, a multitude of witnesses lied. 怎么样


 How about that? Can I ask you a question? 我是这座城市最为人称道 功绩最彪炳的警♥察♥ I am one of the most talked-about, most celebrated officers, history of this city. 你们不觉得很怪吗 我突然成了整起案件的首脑

 Do you not find it odd that now, all of a sudden, I"m the mastermind in this whole thing? 这难道不诡谲

 That doesn"t strike you as weird? 所以其他人都在说谎

 They"re all lying? 这就是我的意思 That"s what I said. -光是伯利案‥ -别跟我提伯利案 In the Burley case alone-- Oh, come on, on the Burley case. 我明明一身清白 I"m completely innocent on that. -又不是我栽赃他毒品 -简金斯巡佐‥ I didn"t plant those drugs on Umar Burley. That wasn"t me. Sergeant Jenkins-- 等等 我知道是谁干的 No, no, no. Hang on. I know who did that.

 我知道是谁 I know who did it. 或许你们也有理 And maybe you"re right. You know something, 我明知此事当时却没有回报 maybe the fact that I knew that information, I didn"t report it at the time. 或许是我错了 你们抓到了 我有罪 Maybe I was wrong there, so you got me. I"m guilty. 算你们赢 Hey, you win. 但重点是 栽赃伯利的人不是我 But bottom line is, I did not plant those drugs on Umar Burley. I didn"t do it, wasn"t me. 既然如此 For the sake of argument, 你能告诉我们是谁做的吗

 you wanna tell us who did? 我现在不想告诉你们 I do not feel like telling you that right now. 但我知道栽赃毒品的人 不是韦恩简金斯 But I do know for a fact that it was not Wayne Jenkins who planted those drugs. 这才是最重要的 That"s what matters here. 这次采证会议到此为止 This proffer is concluded. 这是什么意思

 What does that mean, it"s concluded? 你们就这样要走了

 Wait, that"s it, you guys just gonna walk away? 女士 你没问题要问我吗

 Ma"am, you don"t have any questions for me? 巴尔的摩是典型的失败案例 Baltimore is a poster child for the basic failure 无法有效防治犯罪 to stop lawlessness. 没正义 没和平 No justice, no peace! 我听到了 "没正义 没和平" I"ve heard your calls for no justice, no peace. 端正警♥察♥风气 No justice, no peace! 无风不起浪

 Where there"s smoke, there"s fire. 这些员警就像30年代的黑帮 These officers, they"re 1930s-style gangsters. 韦恩简金斯还以为 他的同伙都会守口如瓶 So, Wayne Jenkins actually thinks his fellow officers are gonna hold the line. 事实上所有人都抢着陈述 对彼此不利的证词 When in reality, they"re all in a race to try to testify against each other. 有趣的是他特别提 Funny how he made a point of telling us 伯利案的毒品不是他栽赃的 he didn"t plant the drugs in the Burley case, of all things. 他会赖在谁身上

 Who would he put it on? 当时在场也一起写报告的 有莱恩昆恩和尚恩苏特 The others who were there and wrote on it? Ryan Guinn and Sean Suiter. 不可能是昆恩 Well, it"s not likely to be Guinn. 他几年前就想揭发这件事了 He went out of his way to speak up about all of this years ago. 那是尚恩苏特

 Sean Suiter? 尚恩 我们在总部共事过 You know me from headquarters, Sean, 后来我派来与联调局合作 查公职人员贪腐案件 but I"ve been detailed here to work with the FBI in public corruption cases. 这位爱瑞卡是我的上司 And Erika here is my supervisor. 我们正在调查 本市的便衣警♥察♥单位 The fact is, uh, we"ve been working this stuff involving the city plainclothes unit, and... 你也看到了以前的同事被逮捕 I know you"ve seen a lot of people you work with get arrested. 我们想告诉你 你不一定会成为目标 The thing we want you to know, right off, is that you"re not necessarily a target. 不一定

 Not necessarily? 我们正在调查其他人 所以需要帮忙 Well, right now, we"re looking at others, and we need help with that. 我是负责调查凶杀案 I work murders. 不知道你们觉得我能帮什么 I don"t know what you think I could help you with.

 这是很多年前的案件了 Uh, this is from years ago. 当时你在暴♥力♥犯罪影响部 Uh, from the time you were working VCID. 你记不记得一起飞车追逐案 嫌犯叫做伯利

 Do you remember a car chase involving a suspect named Burley? 当时发生撞车 导致一位驾驶身亡 There was a crash, and a motorist was killed. 手举起来 下车 Hands! Out of the car! 简金斯 东西♥藏♥在座椅下面 Jenk, it"s on the floor. Right under the seat. -当时是‥ -我记得 - This was two thousan-- - I remember. 撞车发生后 你们在伯利的车上发现毒品 Drugs were discovered in Burley"s vehicle subsequent to the crash. 你在证物呈交文件上签了字 Your name is on the evidence submission paperwork. 你想说什么

 So, what are you saying? 有证人声称是你栽赃伯利 One of the witnesses claims that you"re the one who planted the drugs on Burley. 我们尚未采信该证人的说法 We don"t necessarily believe this other witness. 事情可能有两种发展 尚恩 Now, this can go two ways, Sean. 也许你知道实情 Either you know what happened and how those drugs 是谁在员警搜过的车上栽赃毒品 got into a car that was already searched by officers, 这代表你是证人 in which case you"re a witness. 或者你会成为嫌犯 Or, you become a suspect. 我们目前推断你是证人 At this point, it"s our assumption that you are a witness. 我会因为这件事丢差事吗

 Am I gonna lose my job over this? 收尾写"真正的警♥察♥工作" End with the phrase, "Real police work." "六个月前"

 真正的警♥察♥工作‥ Real police work. -然后接到上一段 -好 Then pick up with the last paragraph. - Got it. 念一次给我听 - Read that part back to me. "协议裁决并非仙丹" "A consent decree is not a magic pill. "但为法♥院♥下令执行的指令" It is, however, a court-ordered and enforced mandate "能促使我们对长久以来 遭忽略的流程做出必要改善" that will compel us to make necessary improvements to processes that have long been neglected. "这对警方组织带来的改变 或许会造成焦虑" At times, it will introduce changes to our organization that may cause anxiety. "毕竟警♥察♥并不善于适应变化" Police, after all, do not adjust well to change." "我们要区分历久弥新的传统 与组织必须成长的必要" "We must not confuse time-honored traditions and the growth necessary to improve as an organization. "我们要荣耀传统 但不能敝帚自珍" We must honor our traditions, but not cling to them. "我们要勇于改变" We must embrace changes "成为更好的 犯罪打击者和社区大使" that make us better crime-fighters and community ambassadors." 社区大使

 "Community ambassadors"? 放过我吧 Gimme a break. "不要对这些改变嗤之以鼻 认为那不是真正的警♥察♥工作" "And not dismiss them as contrary to the notion of real police work." 这篇我的声明要登在头版 Good, good. So, that"s on tfront page from me. 后面要刊登简金斯 和枪♥支♥追踪特遣队的事 But inside, make sure we run the item on Jenkins and the Gun Trace Task Force. 务必让他们的事迹也见报 Make sure that"s in the newsletter too. 一方面我要推销协议裁决 If I"m gonna sell the consent decree and change, 同时也要认可 现在的查缉枪♥支♥毒品

 on the one hand, I"ve got to acknowledge the people who are putting guns and drugs on the table now, 我们也在尽责 who are doing the job now. 我不希望员警停下脚步 或自我怀疑 I don"t need those guys slowing down or doubting themselves. 我需要他们上街扫荡 I need them out on the streets. 别跑‥站住 Stop running! Cut him! Come here! Hendrix, stay on him! 不准动‥ Don"t fucking move. We got a gun! 手放在引擎盖上‥ Fuck! Hands on the hood. 放好 你跑什么跑

 - Hands on the fucking hood. - Get your fucking hands on the hood. -枪找到了吗

 -刚才看到了 What you running for, man? You got that gun? 在那堆垃圾里面 那辆车子下方 Saw his gun over here somewhere. It"s in that garbage right there, right under the-- that jacked-up Malibu -在这儿‥找到了 -我就知道 骗不了人 in that garbage right there. There ain"t no-- Yeah, buddy. - Hey, man, we know it"s yours. - Ain"t no use in lying. - Yes, sir. 今晚要庆祝了 Yeah, we eatin" tonight. We eatin". -去吃大餐 -做得好 小子 Good shit, youngster. Have a seat. On the curb. -我带枪是为了自卫 -这位先生‥ I carry that for protection, man, that"s it. Sir, sir, sir, 你有生命危险吗

 is your life in danger? 如果你有生命危险 告诉我是什么 I"m serious, if your life is in danger, just tell me how. 我很乐意帮你查 Tell me how-- I"m happy to look into it. 如果有人想伤你或杀你 我很乐意去揪出来 If someone"s trying to hurt you, kill you, I"ll find-- I"ll find out who they are. 如此一来街头又能少一把枪 All right, tell me, I"ll get another gun off the stree...

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